Recap Reporting, Brand Strategy, and Event Marketing Measurement (Part 3 of 5)
In part two of this five-part series, we talked about the idea of reach in event-based marketing measurement. We reported on standard benchmarks for average samples her hour. We also addressed the idea that the volume of consumers reached is irrelevant if you’re not reaching the right consumer. However, it’s one thing to reach the right consumer and another thing to impact them in a way that causes them to change their attitude or behavior.
All marketing is (or should be) designed to do one of two things:
- Change consumer attitude
- Change consumer behavior
This is because marketing is about helping a consumer move through the purchase cycle. Folks tend to get stuck in this cycle. The reason they get stuck has to do either with their perception of the brand or their willingness to change their behavior toward the brand.
Good marketing is about understanding what the majority of target consumers need to get “un-stuck” and delivering that needed message via a marketing campaign. Therefore, measuring impact must include measuring changes in attitude or behavior toward the brand.
Change consumer attitude
Measuring attitude can take a number of forms. It may be about education on brand attributes, building awareness, or top-of-mind consideration.
It could be about advocacy. In fact, advocacy is a great, all-encompassing measure of shifts in attitude. If a consumer would recommend the brand at a higher level, you know you’ve changed their attitude toward that brand.
Change consumer behavior
Measuring behavior is about measuring future purchase intent. You might also complement this by measuring actual behavior two to three months later following the campaign, but this isn’t always necessary. We typically see a cross-industry purchase intent at around 71%, with some variation among certain consumer targets (e.g., lower for Millennials, higher for women).
Event Marketing Cross-Industry Benchmark: 71% Post-Event Purchase Intent
When you include impact in your measurement process, you get a clearer understanding of the quality of your engagements. When marrying this with your reach, you’re laying the foundation for true return-on-investment modeling that can clearly demonstrate how your experiential or event marketing campaign stacks up against other channels.
ROI modeling will be the topic of our next post in this series.
Continue with Part 4 of This Five Part Series >>
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