
Breaking Down Experiential Marketing Field Staff Data

Breaking Down Experiential Marketing Field Staff DataExamining field staff data from a top-line level permits a good understanding of how your experiential marketing program performed. Simple things, like total interactions or samples distributed, do a good job of conveying what you accomplished. You might say that they are an impressive first impression to summarize your program effectiveness. Diving deeper into the data can give you a better understanding of what and where your biggest successes were.

Different top-line segments

Looking at your data, segmented by the type of events, your target consumer attendance is a great starting point. If a particular event type is performing poorly, data may indicate that it is not an appropriate choice for next year’s program. Alternatively, you may see that, while some venues may do a poor job of sampling, it might be your strongest distribution point for premiums. Moving forward, you might plan to supply those events with more of premiums or try to rethink the events in such a way to enhance sampling.
Segmenting by market is an obvious choice. It lets you see where you are performing best geographically. This can be a strong indicator for markets you may want to add in future years, or which markets to drop.
In addition to these segments, there are some more complicated ones that can give you unique insight and help refine your program. By monitoring the time of day your events took place, you can assess when you are getting the most traffic. This data can be used to more effectively allocate resources by time of day at similar future events.
It is important to also segment by your event types. Different event types tend to have different sweet spots. For example, alcohol sampling in-store is typically better during the day. Bars and clubs are better at night. Using information like this to refine the next time you activate can help to ensure you aren’t wasting valuable resources at locations where you aren’t reaching many people.
There are as many ways to segment field staff data from your experiential marketing. I’ll cover some additional ones in my next blog post.

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