
Building an Agency by Doing Good Work at a Fair Price

Summary: PortMA is an agency dedicated to helping Event and Experiential Agencies with the measurement and reporting aspects of their campaigns.

At PortMA, we work only with other agencies. While you’ll see an impressive list of brands on our website clients page, it’s the agency list that makes us proud.

Why are we proud? We’re proud because every one of those agencies is our partner. Each has worked with us more than once. In our opinion, repeat business from satisfied clients is the greatest compliment we can receive.

Agency work is crazy.

Brands turn to agencies because the work is logistically tough, intellectually specialized and, quite often, a royal pain to simply get done. Agencies often turn to other agencies to help. That’s where we come in.

  • We help these partners to:
    • identify the reach
    • quantify the impact
    • accurately assess the economic value of their work
  • We use time-tested, market research techniques to deliver solid data that identifies what works.

Our growth has been phenomenal.

Our growth has come from doing what we do well, having a keen understanding of our industry, and offering our services at a fair price. We’re Anthropologists, Sociologists, and Marketers all rolled into one. We’ve worked inside Event Marketing Agencies and Marketing Research Agencies alike and have found a way to blend working with both that allows us to be exceptionally responsive and highly resilient. We price our work below the average billing rates of our agency partners so they can pass through our fees at a profit and fit us into their contingency budgets.

We’re not going anywhere but up.

I’ll be meeting with a new agency today in the Midwest. I’m hoping that they, too, will become a long-term partner. Tomorrow I fly back to the East Coast to present to our original agency partner. It’s exciting, and it’s an honor to meet with both.
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