
The PortMA Event Recap Review Process

Conventional wisdom tells us to never put the cart before the horse. The problem is that we often misapply that axiom. We have discovered that the event recap process is more like mapping a route on your GPS. First, you enter your destination. Then you determine the best way to get there.

At PortMA, we follow a template Event Recap Review Process that helps us ensure that we’re staying on top of what really matters to our clients and the brands we serve. The most ineffective way to write a report is to spend a whole bunch of time and money creating an Excel spreadsheet of data, running all of the data analyses you can think of, and then trying to find a way to put it all in a PowerPoint deck so it looks exciting.

We like to know where we’re going before we find out how to get there.

  • Start with the end in mind.
  • Design the presentation first.
  • Insert mock data

Once we have done that, we flesh out a report of information that answers questions that align with the brand’s strategic objectives.  A PortMA analyst completes this “Recap Report Template,” he or she presents the mock findings internally, then we do a self-critique of the event recap review process.

In that critique, we discuss:

  • What parts are exciting
  • What findings might be troublesome
  • How to best segment the results to make them actionable.

Better Process Produces Better Results

The result is a clear, internally-vetted strategy for writing recap reports that will serve everyone’s needs – ones that will show the brand the value and impact of the campaign – and demonstrate the value of the agency.
Once the mock data has been replaced with real information, we present the findings to the agency. But it’s that internal recap review process that effectively ensures we’re going to deliver real value.

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Additional Resources


  • Experiential Measurement Blueprint
  • Event Impression Calculator
  • Experiential ROI Benchmarking Reports
  • Event Measurement Video Tutorials
Click for Additional Resources
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