
The Value of Top-Line Event Marketing Recap Reporting

A flash report is the periodic, top-line recap report that we utilize frequently. Top-line reports are opportunities to check the performance of the campaign before major reporting periods like the mid-point. Real-time adjustments can be implemented, if needed, based on this report. That being said, it’s important to report on the metrics that are most helpful for making those adjustments. There’s not much value in writing flash reports if no action can be taken or improvements made. Here are some tips to provide the greatest amount of value from flash reports.

Tracking and Projecting KPI

A well-designed research project documents key performance indicators (KPI). The brand team needs to reach these throughout the event marketing program. Items such as the number of impressions or consumer engagements within a defined period of time are defined here. Each flash report should indicate where current performance stands and how it’s projected to finish. It is especially important to review frequently with the client in case they’re falling short of target or if the program is running over budget. Doing so provides the opportunity to make timely adjustments.

Measuring the Program Objectives

A section of the flash report should be dedicated to program objectives. These can be quantified, measuring progress toward those objectives. For example, if an objective is to increase awareness of the brand among consumers, survey results that measure awareness need to be included.
If the brand team is tasked with creating new customers, reporting on purchase intent among consumers who never have heard of or tried the brand before the event marketing experience may be the way to go.

Reporting on results from relevant time periods

It’s valuable to segment metrics by time period, such as the current reporting period, compared to other periods. Spikes or dips in key metrics can be pinpointed to specific events. These can uncover insights into what worked or did not work. Segmenting results by time periods also creates the opportunity for additional conversation with the client regarding the performance of the program.

Further Reading:

Additional Resources


  • Experiential Measurement Blueprint
  • Event Impression Calculator
  • Experiential ROI Benchmarking Reports
  • Event Measurement Video Tutorials
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