Data-Driven Marketing Solutions

Transform Your Marketing with Data-Driven Solutions


Event ROI Toolkit Download


+ Specific Downloads

Download for Specific Industries or Venue Types

✓ Consumer Targeting
Engagement/ Sample Volume
Cost per Engagement or Day
Awareness/ Purchase Cycle
Sales and Advocacy/ NPS
Financial ROI

PortMA Academy/ Training

+ One Week Trial

Online Access During your One Week Trial of Event RecapIQ

✓ All Training Courses
✓ Full Knowledge Base
✓ Use Case Tutorials

Guides and Templates

+ One Time Download

Available for Download Upon Purchase

✓ Supporting Academic Articles
✓ Field Staff Training
✓ Field Staff KPIs
✓ Exit Survey Template
✓ Data Analysis Tools
✓ Recap Report Templates
✓ Status Report Templates

Fully Outsourced Support

+ Available via Retainer

Available through a Monthly Retainer for Full Support

✓ Custom Design
✓ Survey Programming
✓ Data Collection Support
✓ Data Analysis
✓ Report Development
✓ Client Briefing/ Consulting


+ In-Depth Assessment

In-Depth Assessment to Identify Where to Start


+ Custom Plan

Custom Implementation Plan Over Four Sessions

Ongoing Training

+ 48 Hour Trial

Available as a 48 Hour Trial of RecapIQ

Account Management/ Support

+ 30 Days

Live Enterprise-Wide Support by Appointment for 30 days

Tools, Resources, and Guides


Commercial License w/ Attribution

+ Perpetual

Perpetual Enterprise Commercial License

Benchmark Data Freshness

+ Publication Date

Snapshot at the Time of Publication. Most Reports Updated Annually


One-Time Purchase




+ All Sales Final

Your purchase is non-refundable due to the downloadable nature of this purchase.

Optional Add-Ons

+ Additional Segments

$19,950 / Year for Full Report Library

+ Audit of Existing Reports

$1,295/ Report

+ Full Retainer Support

$7,500/ Month

Event RecapIQ Subscription


Experiential Marketing Benchmarks

+ All Segments Online

Unlimited, 24/7 Online Search by Industry, Venue Type, and Market

✓ Consumer Targeting
Engagement/ Sample Volume
Cost per Engagement or Day
Awareness/ Purchase Cycle
Sales and Advocacy/ NPS
Financial ROI

PortMA Academy/ Training

+ Online Access

Unlimited, 24/7 Online Access to All Training Materials

✓ All Training Courses
✓ Full Knowledge Base
✓ Use Case Tutorials

Guides and Templates

+ One Time Download

Available for Download Upon Purchase

✓ Supporting Academic Articles
✓ Field Staff Training
✓ Field Staff KPIs
✓ Exit Survey Template
✓ Data Analysis Tools
✓ Recap Report Templates
✓ Status Report Templates

Fully Outsourced Support

+ Available via Retainer

Available through a Monthly Retainer for Full Support

✓ Custom Design
✓ Survey Programming
✓ Data Collection Support
✓ Data Analysis
✓ Report Development
✓ Client Briefing/ Consulting


+ In-Depth Assessment

In-Depth Assessment to Identify Where to Start


+ Custom Plan

Live Onboarding

Ongoing Training

+ Solo, One-on-One, Small Group

Video, Extensive Knowledge Base, Bi-Weekly Mastermind Webinars

Account Management/ Support

+ Account Manager

Bi-Weekly Calls Plus On-Call Support From a Dedicated Account Manager

Tools, Resources, and Guides


Commercial License w/ Attribution

+ Month-to-Month

Enterprise Commercial License

Benchmark Data Freshness

+ Quartely

Benchmarking Database
Updated Quarterly


Monthly Subscription


$1,495/ Month


+ Full Refund

Refund of Your Current Month’s Payment If You Are Not Satisfied. Unconditional.

Optional Add-Ons

+ Additional Users

$145/ Month

+ Audit of Existing Reports

$1,295/ Report

+ Full Retainer Support

$7,500/ Month

Managed Services Support


Experiential Marketing Benchmarks

+ Limited Availability

As Needed for a Specific Campaign

✓ Consumer Targeting
Engagement/ Sample Volume
Cost per Engagement or Day
Awareness/ Purchase Cycle
Sales and Advocacy/ NPS
Financial ROI

PortMA Academy/ Training

+ Limited Availability

As Needed for a Specific Campaign

✓ All Training Courses
✓ Full Knowledge Base
✓ Use Case Tutorials

Guides and Templates

Not Included

Fully Outsourced Support

+ Fully Outsourced Solution

Fully Outsourced, Managed Solution. Seasoned Account Team Based on a Custom Scope of Work

✓ Custom Design
✓ Survey Programming
✓ Data Collection Support
✓ Data Analysis
✓ Report Development
✓ Client Briefing/ Consulting


+ Campaign Specific

Campaign Specific
Measurement Design


+ Campaign Specific

Campaign Specific
Launch Discussions

Ongoing Training

Not Included

Account Management/ Support

+ Dedicated Account Team

Dedicated Team With Ongoing Campaign Support and Post-Delivery

Tools, Resources, and Guides

Not Included

Commercial License w/ Attribution

Not Included

Benchmark Data Freshness

+ Quartely

Updated Quartely and Available for the Industries and Venue Types Linked to the Campaign(s) Being Supported




Custom Fixed Fee


Custom Contractual Agreement

Optional Add-Ons

+ Full Team

Full Support to Everyone on the Campaign Team

+ Included

Included as Needed For Any Relevant Past Reporting

+ Included

All relevant support proivded.


Our research analyzes the habits, attitudes, values, and beliefs that group consumers into tribes. These consumers seek products and services that complement their way of life. When they learn about these products and services through your authentic, on-message communications, they will buy more often and in greater volume.

We get what you’re trying to do. We provide consumer insights that allow you to do it better. Our research outcomes move your A/B split testing further along at a faster pace for less budget. Marketing strategists who work with PortMA see higher conversion rates on a shorter timeline.

“They call themselves market researchers, but they’re more marketers who are really good at research and data analytics.”

You’re in Good Company

Transform Your Marketing
with Data-Driven Solutions Today