Experiential Marketing Benchmarks

“ROI is always the first question clients ask and sometimes the hardest to answer. This solution gives an easy way to calculate, explains the numbers, and provides helpful comparison points (because that’s the second question clients ask).”

> Anne, Chief Operating Officer – Experiential Marketing Agency

“Figuring out how to project and measure ROI for our experiential events has been the most significant pain point for us.
We are trying to figure out how to measure and track against our existing work so having a streamlined and consistent way to do it with benchmarks is beyond valuable.”

> Ashley, Account Manager – Sports & Entertainment Agency

“PortMA understands how to analyze the true value of experiential marketing.”

> Matt, Director of Strategy – Experiential Marketing Agency

“Since our agency opened for business back in 2008, we’ve understood how important it is to measure the effectiveness of our programs – that’s why we’ve turned to PortMA.”

> Jeff, Chief Inspiration Officer – Experiential Marketing Agency

“You are in great hands when working with the team at PortMA.”

> Lisa, Director, Market Research – Experiential/ Advertising Agency

Event RecapIQ Benchmarks

For over a decade, we’ve witnessed countless Experiential Marketing Agencies struggle with communicating the impact of their campaigns. The frustration is real: struggling to generate qualified leads, connect with prospects, and prove ROI. Here’s the good news: you don’t have to settle for mediocre results.

Event RecapIQ is your one-stop solution, empowering you to transform your Experiential Marketing practice with the power of data-driven insights. Imagine the relief of finally silencing the guesswork and proving the undeniable value you bring to clients.

  • Attract High-Value Leads: Craft content that resonates with prospects, thanks to industry benchmarks that reveal what truly connects.
  • Spark Conversations with Decision-Makers: Impress clients with data-backed projections, showcasing the impact your campaigns will have on their bottom line using the trusted PortMA methodology.
  • Close Deals Faster: Build confidence and shorten sales cycles with clear ROI projections backed by reliable data that eliminates skepticism.
  • Secure Client Loyalty: Deliver impactful reports that move beyond basic metrics. Showcase the ongoing value you bring, inspiring clients to expand their commitment year after year.
  • Standardized Measurement Processes: Eliminate guesswork with proven templates for launch, data collection, and reporting.
  • Benchmark-Driven Insights: Gain a competitive edge by leveraging the same insights top brands have invested millions to acquire.
  • User-Friendly Tools: Empower your team with online analysis tools that simplify data management and extraction of valuable insights.
  • Expert Guidance: Don’t navigate alone. Get expert support during onboarding and ongoing access to a team of seasoned Experiential Marketing analysts to answer your questions one-on-one or through small group coaching sessions.

Skip the long learning curve. Benchmarks are your secret weapon. By leveraging existing data, you can radically reduce the time it takes to demonstrate results.

  • Bonus #1 – Extensive Resource Library: Unlock access to a comprehensive suite of online analysis tools, along with guides for launch, data collection, analysis, and reporting. This is the same knowledge base used by hundreds of brands to measure their marketing success (valued at $1,600).
  • Bonus #2 – Standardizing Experiential ROI Measurement Framework: Standardize your approach with a comprehensive framework for integrating PortMA’s experiential return-on-investment measurement processes into your agency or team. Save time, get everyone on the same page, and reduce errors. (valued at $4,850).
  • Bonus #3 – One Week of Tailored Live Onboarding Support: Ensure a smooth onboarding process with dedicated support from a seasoned Experiential Marketing Analyst. Get answers to your specific questions and address any short-term needs (valued at $1,250).

Get started today and discover how Event RecapIQ can transform your approach, leaving guesswork behind and empowering you to achieve breakthrough results.

Experiential Marketing ROI Benchmarks

Attract high-quality leads with powerful content, secure meetings with industry insights, and close deals faster with ROI projections.

Retain clients with recap reports showcasing lasting value. Grow smarter.

Standardized Practices Across Campaigns.

Reduce discrepancies, standardize ROI measurement, and generate insightful reports.

Access unlimited training, guides, checklists, and online analysis tools to streamline your process.

– Bonuses: $2,450 Value –

Expert, Live Launch and Ongoing Support

Your dedicated account manager, an experiential marketing measurement expert, will be by your side.

Get personalized guidance and a money-back guarantee if you’re not completely satisfied within 30 days.

– Bonuses: $1,250 Value –


How RecapIQ Delivers Value to Your Agency

Start Where You Have the Most Short-Term Needs to Ensure Eary Wins

Build a Strong Sales Pipeline, Convert More Prospects, and Drive Revenue Growth with Benchmarking

Bottomless Lead Generation with Experiential Benchmarks

Refresh your social media and inbound marketing with highly targeted content that differentiates your team.

Identify your target segment, build custom content, and generate more leads today: access ready-to-publish benchmarks and unlimited customizations 24/7.

  • 1-on-1 orientation where we explain how to:
    • Use benchmarks instead of expensive primary research
    • Identify a target segment
    • Build custom content
  • 24/7 access to ready-to-publish experiential benchmarks
  • Unlimited customizations for specific industries

A unique strategy that uses experiential marketing ROI projections for prospect follow-up. This approach gets the immediate attention of your new leads and generates inbound meeting requests.

  • 1-on-1 orientation where we explain how to:
    • Use benchmarks to write targeted, custom follow-up emails that solicit a response
    • Select benchmarks that highlight your agency or team’s unique capabilities in communications, differentiating you in the market
    • Enhance existing pitch deck templates with industry and venue-specific benchmarks
  • 24/7 access to the experiential marketing impact benchmarking dashboard
  • Unlimited benchmark customizations for the venue types your agency or team has the most experience with

Build Confidence, Shorten Sales Cycles, and Increase Close Rates

Showcasing projected ROI with experiential marketing benchmarks is a game-changer. Impress clients, secure budgets, and predict campaign performance with confidence.

  • Explore ongoing, subscriber-only live webinars and group consultations led by experts. Learn proven, step-by-step systems for engagement estimates and ROI projections:
    • Impress Clients, Secure Budgets:  Project ROI confidently with industry benchmarks and estimate engagement rates.
    • Predict & Optimize:  Go into campaigns with a clear picture of potential audience interaction by estimating engagement rates for different venues and activation types.
    • Become a Measurement Leader: Confidently answer client and consumer insights teams’ questions, establishing your expertise in Experiential Marketing measurement.
    • Maximize ROI Potential:   Develop compelling ROI projections to impress stakeholders and leverage benchmarks to predict and optimize campaign performance, ensuring a positive return.
  • 24/7 Access to Benchmarks, including Engagement Rate Dashboards, Cost per Engagement and Cost per Event Day Benchmarks, and Marketing ROI Experiential Dashboards
  • Three bonus online analysis tools:
    • Sales Conversion Estimation Tool
    • Customer Lifetime Value Calculator
    • Experiential Marketing ROI Simulator to Optimize Campaign Value

Optimized Workflows, Accurate Reporting, Better Outcomes

Standardize Your Experiential Marketing Measurement with the RIV Paradigm

Launch your measurement process quickly and efficiently with our on-demand training and resources. Unite your teams and foster a common approach to data collection and analysis.

  • Start Fast, Scale Smart: Launch Experiential Marketing measurement with on-demand video training while leveraging existing tools. Our resources help your team get started at their own pace.
  • Unite Your Teams: Foster a common approach to experiential marketing measurement across your organization, breaking down silos.
  • Expert-Led Webinars & Consultations: Sharpen your skills with exclusive, ongoing webinars and group consultations led by measurement experts. Learn proven, step-by-step systems for:
    • Client Buy-In Mastery: Gain confidence in presenting your Experiential ROI strategy to brand teams.
    • Standardized KPIs & Reporting: Develop a clear framework for measuring success with consistent KPIs and reporting practices.
    • Data-Driven Insights Delivery: Transform data into compelling insights – even without advanced statistical expertise.
  • Comprehensive Resource Library:
    • Access essential tools, guides, and references to build your in-house measurement process.
    • Gain academic backing for your methods with on-demand articles, and find clear communication strategies to win client buy-in.

Accelerate Your Data Collection with Our Comprehensive Launch Kit

Ensure a smooth launch and maximize data accuracy with our proven field staff launch kit. Gain expert guidance through webinars, consultations, and direct support.

  • Sharpen your skills with ongoing webinars and consultations covering:
    • Field Staff Launch Kit: Learn what metrics to collect, how to classify data, and set up an internal reporting system (including an IT database plan).
    • Consumer Insights: Discover proven methods for gathering feedback, including a short survey and best practices for onsite surveys.
    • Data Collection Mastery: Gain expertise in training field staff, collecting data seamlessly, and distinguishing between quantitative and qualitative data.
  • Direct Expert Support: Access dedicated account managers through our Concierge Support.   All Account Managers have extensive experience in on-site data collection.

Maintain control over data quality and quantity for reliable insights.

  • Unlock advanced strategies through ongoing subscriber-only webinars and group consultations.
    • Survey Strategy: Know how many surveys, where, and when to gather the best data.
    • Accurate Feedback: Ensure unbiased, reliable consumer insights.
    • Seamless Integration: Integrate data collection into your existing event schedule.
    • Engaged Respondents: Leverage conversational interviewing to overcome reluctance.
    • High Response Rates: Maximize responses on post-event email surveys.
    • Data Quality Control: Tackle common challenges and identify and address data issues.
    • Organized Data: Maintain a clear and user-friendly data collection system.

Unleash the Power of Your Data with Advanced Analysis Tools

Transform your data into actionable insights with our comprehensive analysis suite. Gain a competitive edge by understanding the true impact of your experiential campaigns.

  • A set of online tools to complete an experiential marketing data analysis roadmap, proven on hundreds of campaigns:
    • Run-rate calculator to project your progress toward campaign quotas (e.g., engagements, samples, premiums, etc.)
    • Annual/lifetime customer value calculator to determine the dollar value of each incremental customer your campaign creates for the brand
    • Sales conversion tool to estimate the number of engagements resulting in new sales
    • ROI modeling tool to review outcomes, what drove them, and how best to analyze them for your specific campaign
  • Subscriber-only webinars to review different approaches to experiential marketing data analysis with open Q&A
  • The opportunity to hand off your analysis needs to your dedicated data analyst/account manager anytime for any reason (additional fees apply; only pay when you need it)

Transform raw data into compelling narratives that drive business decisions.

Our comprehensive reporting solution empowers you to effortlessly create professional, client-impressive reports. Access a vast library of pre-built templates, data visualization tools, and expert guidance to streamline the reporting process and maximize impact.

Key Features:

  • Extensive Report Templates: Choose from various pre-designed report structures tailored to different campaign objectives and client needs. Customize these templates to align with your specific branding and messaging.
  • Advanced Data Visualization: Transform complex data into easy-to-understand visuals, such as charts, graphs, and infographics. Our intuitive tools help you create compelling stories that resonate with your audience.
  • Benchmarking Capabilities: Compare your campaign performance against industry standards to identify areas for improvement and highlight exceptional results.
  • Expert Guidance and Support: Our experienced analysts provide tailored support, from report design to data interpretation. Leverage their expertise to maximize the value of your reports.


  • Save Time and Resources: Streamline the reporting process with pre-built templates and automated data analysis.
  • Enhance Client Relationships: Deliver high-quality, impactful reports that build trust and confidence.
  • Drive Business Growth: Uncover actionable insights that inform future campaign strategies and optimize ROI.
  • Demonstrate Expertise: Position your agency as a data-driven leader in the experiential marketing industry.

Elevate your reporting and achieve exceptional results.

Additional Offerings:

  • Subscriber-only webinars: Learn best practices and reporting techniques from industry experts.
  • Hands-on training: Develop the skills to create world-class reports.
  • Dedicated account management: Receive personalized support for all your reporting needs.

Leveraging our comprehensive reporting solution will give you a competitive edge and enable you to deliver outstanding value to your clients.

Measurable Impact Leads to Expanded Client Partnerships

Transform data into compelling narratives that drive action.

Our dedicated support ensures your team delivers impactful presentations that captivate clients and secure buy-in.

Key Benefits:

  • Enhanced Presentation Skills: Gain confidence and polish through expert coaching.
  • Increased Client Engagement: Deliver presentations that resonate and inspire action.
  • Stronger Client Relationships: Build trust and credibility through insights-driven roundtable discussions.
  • Improved Outcomes: Secure larger budgets and expanded campaigns.

Services Include:

  • Customized Presentation Coaching: Tailored guidance to meet your specific needs.
  • Comprehensive Feedback: Constructive criticism to refine your delivery.
  • Question Anticipation: Prepare for potential challenges and objections.
  • Messaging Refinement: Ensure your key points are clear and compelling.

Elevate your presentation skills and drive exceptional results.

Proactively plan for future success with our ROI-focused approach.

Leverage our expertise to secure next year’s campaign and expand your program’s impact.

Key Benefits:

  • Predictive Analytics: Forecast future performance and optimize budget allocation.
  • Compelling Proposals: Develop data-driven proposals that win over clients.
  • Strategic Partnerships: Collaborate with experts to refine your renewal strategy.
  • Increased Revenue: Secure larger budgets and expand campaign scope.

Services Include:

  • ROI Modeling: Analyze campaign performance to predict future outcomes.
  • Budget Optimization: Develop scenarios for different budget levels.
  • Value-Based Propositions: Build compelling cases for increased investment.
  • Expert Consultation: Access strategic guidance and support.

Secure your client’s commitment and drive long-term growth.


Benchmarks empower you to evaluate agencies with KPIs that drive success.

These benchmarks and the bonuses allow you to streamline your marketing funnel and reach buying consumers faster.


Stunning visuals are great, but don’t let them mask the lack of data.

Event RecapIQ empowers you to ditch the guesswork and prove the impact of your experiential marketing.


Your booming festival attracts top brands – now capture their loyalty!

The Event RecapIQ benchmarks showcase your success.  Prove ROI, secure renewals, and attract new partners.


Help brands prove their sponsorship ROI and secure renewals.

Event RecapIQ empowers your venue to justifying larger sponsorship budgets and making your space the clear choice for success.


Find answers to common questions about Event RecapIQ.

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Event RecapIQ ensures reliable data collection through a two-pronged approach. On-site staff gathers detailed consumer insights through intercept interviews while collecting activation metadata such as engagement counts and sample distribution. This comprehensive data set provides a clear picture of your experiential marketing program’s impact.

Absolutely! Event RecapIQ offers the tools and resources to measure ROI effectively. Our in-depth video tutorials and exclusive subscriber webinars guide you through utilizing ROI dashboards and building your in-house data analysis capabilities. Dedicated Event Analysts and Account Managers provide ongoing support to ensure your success.

Yes, your agency can fully utilize Event RecapIQ’s methodology with clients. Our subscription includes a license for commercial use, allowing you to leverage our intellectual property (IP) during your subscription period. A simple “Powered by PortMA” attribution is required on any derived materials.

We encourage you to experience Event RecapIQ firsthand. Schedule a free demo to explore the platform’s features and capabilities. Our team will guide you through the tool and answer your questions.

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