I recently came across the following quote by Aristotle and I was struck by the timelessness of his wisdom. “First, have a definite, clear practical ideal; a goal, an...
PortMA Blog and News
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The Weighting is the Hardest Part: How to Make Sure Your Event Sampling is Accurately Measured
Recently, we wrote a recap report at the mid-point of a program. One of the things we noticed was that the survey responses were significantly disproportionate to the engagements...
Ensuring Data Integrity (Part 1)
Panel research is a wonderful asset to event marketing. It can give you a baseline for your research, or help you to establish what aspects of a project you...
Statistical Significance Versus Meaningful Significance
Statistical significance – It’s the tool that identifies which differences between consumer segments are meaningful to the research, and which differences are due to random variation. One issue I’ve...
Constructing the "Perfect" Survey
Survey design can be a challenge, whether your survey has four questions or 40. Here are some tips to guide you through the survey construction process. 1....
Open-Ended Responses: Tell Me What You Think
Open-ended responses have a lot of inherent utility in a survey. To start, they can be used when you don’t know enough about consumer tendencies to prepopulate a response...
Marrying Your Survey Data Collection Sources
Receiving information from multiple sources can be both a blessing and curse. Multiple sources lets you get data faster, and be more confident you will hit your desired sample...
Measuring Member Satisfaction Goes a Long Way
When we’re not conducting research on experiential marketing programs, we’re directing our resources toward traditional market research. I periodically write research reports for different professional organizations. The most recent...
How to Deal With Limited Demographics in Your Sample
Dealing with a limited demographic focus is to be expected when you conduct research. After all, no one is interested in everyone’s opinion on a product. Generally, you have...
Elevating Traditional Qualitative Methods with Technology
Technology has helped us to come a long way in how we conduct research – panel companies, online surveys, geocaching, etc. Researchers seem to have fully embraced elevating quantitative...