IMPORTANT: If you are involved in any way with an event marketing food sampling program, you will want to read this story about an exciting eight-week event marketing program for...
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IMPORTANT: If you are involved in any way with an event marketing food sampling program, you will want to read this story about an exciting eight-week event marketing program for...
When invited to ask us anything, one of our blog readers asked: “What do you think is the best way to calculate customer lifetime value?” Read on for my response and...
“A problem is a chance for you to do your best.” — Duke Ellington We take a partnership approach with our clients, offering research strategies and solutions that help them see the value...
I have a love-hate relationship with on-site sales data. On the one hand, it can provide great insight into what and where your event marketing program success is having in the...
IMPORTANT: If you are involved in any way with an event marketing food sampling program, you will want to read this story about an exciting eight-week event marketing program for a...
If you read my blog posts regularly (okay, semi-regularly… once in a blue moon?) you know that much of our research is in the spirits industry. Whiskey, vodka, liqueur, you...
Over the past decade, I’ve seen hundreds of event marketing campaigns. For most of them, I have been in the unique position of measuring the reach, impact, and ROI of...
“This report, by its very length, defends itself against the risk of being read.” – Winston Churchill Researchers always look for statistically significant differences in the data we collect. In most...
Organizing your experiential marketing data systematically within your data files can help you find issues quickly, should any problems arise during your analysis. While most issues should be discovered during the data cleaning...
We all know that offering coupons has an impact on brand marketing. Offering coupons is a tried and true method of increasing short-term sales. It drives trial purchases among non-customers and rewards loyal...