Consistency is a key component of any successful endeavor. Data consistency is especially important in administering experiential marketing. Questions must be presented with grammatic precision. Additionally, demographics must be within predetermined parameters. Finally, sample distribution (including quantity and mode of presentation) needs to be uniform and the responses must be clearly understood within the context of the questions asked.
Two Types of Experiential Marketing Data
- Survey Data: Response data is almost always collected via a tablet PC and uploaded seamlessly to one of our web-based survey management tools
- Field Reporting Data: Observational data includes attendance, number of interactions, and samples distributed at the event.
Ensuring consistency is difficult on a good day. When we have multiple brand advocates uploading field data from multiple events a day (sometimes in as many as 30 or more markets) maintaining consistency becomes even more difficult. Therefore, the field data for every engagement, sample, coupon, and merchandise giveaway must be accurately recorded.
Steps of Data Consistency
“GIGO,” or Garbage In = Garbage Out” is the effect of inconsistency and inaccuracy. Below are some important data consistency steps to follow.
- Begin with a random collection of individual data points
- Correlate the data points into usable information
- Integrate the information into our knowledge base
- Apply the updated knowledge as the foundation for making wise decisions.
If the data points are inaccurate, the information will be incorrect. The knowledge base will become a faulty understanding of reality.
PortMA passion and persistence pay off.
Sometimes a market team may want to activate at an event before the reporting format is in full swing. For instance, due to legal constraints, some beverage sample teams cannot distribute liquid samples in their market. Instead, they have to distribute spirit-based edibles (jello shots, cake bites, or the like).
The more variation in presentation, the more skewed the results might be. This has the potential to get chaotic for data analysts. Ideally, we prefer to have the client use a web-based data management tool so that we can monitor the real-time flow of data and address any inconsistencies as they arise.
Sometimes we have clients who want full control and management of the data before handing it off to us. While this is understandable, it may, nonetheless, hinder our ability to ensure data consistency. At PortMA prepare and are ready for these obstacles. Our Field Services department tackles issues head-on the second our clients send the data our way. This includes digging through dozens of spreadsheets, looking for discrepancies, and tracking them back to their source.
Our clients hire us for our program measurement consistency and accuracy. That is only achievable with preparation, communication and attention to detail, each of which are passions of PortMA!

Additional Resources
- Experiential Measurement Blueprint
- Event Impression Calculator
- Experiential ROI Benchmarking Reports
- Event Measurement Video Tutorials
Photo Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/49333515@N03/5244045076/