Is there such a thing as too much data? Generally speaking, no. The more results you have, the better, right? In an ideal world, we would be doing a...
PortMA Blog and News
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Stuck in a Rut? Additional Analysis Can Possibly Break You Free
One of my major analysis challenges with average day-to-day work is avoiding the rut of routine. Establishing a routine and having a schedule is great for getting things done,...
Wearing Two Hats: Perspective Matters in Efficiency
At a smaller company like PortMA, situations frequently arise where you are called to do work that falls outside of your typical job description. With a coworker out sick...
How to Use Event Marketing Benchmarks to Predict Experiential ROI
What if you could accurately predict Experiential or Event Marketing return on investment in response to a client’s RFP? Would that be helpful?Of course! We work with Agencies to develop custom,...
Facing Event Marketing Report Writing Anxieties: Part 2
This is the second post in a series designed to help you overcome challenges inherent in writing. While the focus of these posts is on report writing, the techniques...
How To Distinguish Between Category Sales and Brand Sales
It’s not uncommon for a brand team to turn to experiential sampling when they are trying to stem the flow of customers away from the brand. Churn scares everyone...
Statistical Significance Versus Meaningful Significance
Statistical significance – It’s the tool that identifies which differences between consumer segments are meaningful to the research, and which differences are due to random variation. One issue I’ve...
The Ultimate Event Recap Template
Reporting on event recaps is a storytelling process. You need to guide your reading audience through an experience that helps them relive the activation and understand the impact and...
Defining Language to Find Actionable Insights
Defining language can be surprisingly difficult. We all have our own vocabulary and can clearly communicate with one another, but if you look deeper, you might realize that sometimes...
Tactical Versus Strategic Data and Reporting
I recently met with a large NGO Bank in Washington DC. We had a great conversation with one of their data and analytic teams talking about how to organize...