Many of our research projects have in-depth reporting schedules. The longer the program, the more likely it is that we will provide multiple reports for that program. For instance,...
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Many of our research projects have in-depth reporting schedules. The longer the program, the more likely it is that we will provide multiple reports for that program. For instance,...
Typically, analysis for experiential marketing programs happens in one of two different ways, by overall date or by individual market. Overall is clearly an evaluation of all available data. Market Analysis looks...
The workload of a market research manager during the first quarter entails launching new projects for the coming year. Many experiential and traditional market research projects run over the...
At the time of writing this post, I just finished reviewing an Event Recap Report Template with a wine industry client. We like to send Recap Report Templates in...
Event marketing is effective because it is so special. Even with a brief engagement, an event marketing campaign can quickly move consumers through the four-stage purchase cycle: need, awareness,...
When we sign up to manage a qualitative project that involves focus groups, one of the first things we establish is screening criteria. In order to build a focus...
This article outlines how to value impressions, and the role impression value plays in measuring event marketing ROI. Understanding the Role of CPM in Event Marketing Impression Value Let’s...
Learn how we’ve modeled experiential marketing ROI for more than 130 brand engagements over the past six years. Read the details on how to do it yourself with our...
The adage “Time flies when you’re having fun” proves true whether you’re having actual fun or just incredibly busy. I have noticed that the older I get, the more...
One of my major analysis challenges with average day-to-day work is avoiding the rut of routine. Establishing a routine and having a schedule is great for getting things done,...