Reporting on event recaps is a storytelling process. You need to guide your reading audience through an experience that helps them relive the activation and understand the impact and...
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Reporting on event recaps is a storytelling process. You need to guide your reading audience through an experience that helps them relive the activation and understand the impact and...
Technology has helped us to come a long way in how we conduct research – panel companies, online surveys, geocaching, etc. Researchers seem to have fully embraced elevating quantitative...
Defining language can be surprisingly difficult. We all have our own vocabulary and can clearly communicate with one another, but if you look deeper, you might realize that sometimes...
A slightly less-thought-about topic when it comes to survey data is “Whose opinion matters?” Not that it isn’t a focus during analysis, but target consumers are a part of...
Recently, we recapped survey results for a mobile tour we measured last summer into the fall. The measurement strategy utilized independent ethnographers surveying event attendees who visited the organization’s...
I recently met with a large NGO Bank in Washington DC. We had a great conversation with one of their data and analytic teams talking about how to organize...
In recent years, I’ve noticed considerably more blended approaches to research than when I first started in this industry. Back then, it was very clear which clients preferred qualitative...
Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. I quickly learned this lesson my second year working on a project. Last year’s data was proving necessary not only...
Many experiential programs come to an end right around the holidays. Some extend into the new year, but traditional market research projects usually wrap up by the end of...
There are many theories of consumer purchase cycles and event marketing ROI. Some are overly complicated and others overly simple. As a team of market researchers specializing in the...