Asking consumers to participate in a short set of questions after an amazing event can be a downer sometimes. Why can’t we just have a great time with our...
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How to Eliminate Interviewer Bias
Summary: How might one prevent interviewer bias? Regardless of the type of interview, the interviewer can create a situation where the respondent replies in a manner that reflects what...
For Better or for Worse: Comparison in Experiential Marketing Research
Yesterday I had a quarterly recap review and year-to-year comparison with a client that I have been working with for over five years. I have worked with this client...
What's in a Word? A Single Word Can Make or Break Your Campaign
What’s in a word? During my work on a recent PortMA project, the word “sustainable” came up a number of times. I have thought about the word ever since....
Brand Perception and Influence Starts Early – Lasts Forever!
As consumers and customers, we use brand awareness to make purchase decisions. We do this almost on a daily basis throughout our lifetime. For this reason, it is vital...
The Rhyme and Reason to Filling the Focus Group
When we sign up to manage a qualitative project that involves focus groups, one of the first things we establish is screening criteria. In order to build a focus...
Know Your Customers or Kiss Them Goodbye
Here at PortMA we measure attitudes and apply proven models to predict consumer behavior for companies on a regular basis. It’s at the core of what we do. Inevitably,...
The Science Behind Market Research
Research. It’s a word with so much meaning and so much variation. There are different forms of research (e.g., basic, applied) and different approaches (e.g., scientific, artistic) and because...
What is an Event Marketing Impression?
Impressions are a common and important field staff reporting metric in the event marketing industry. Event marketing impressions are essentially how many individuals saw your brand’s advertising at an...
Presenting Event Marketing Research
Believe me when I tell you that when most people who know me find out I am TERRIFIED of public speaking, they are shocked…not tooting my own horn, but...