There are a lot of great tools available to the event marketer when trying to integrate touch-points and gather data. I was recently reading about Splash which looks like...
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Facing Event Marketing Report Writing Anxieties: Part 2
This is the second post in a series designed to help you overcome challenges inherent in writing. While the focus of these posts is on report writing, the techniques...
Managing Event Marketing Field Staff Data
Managing event marketing field staff data is one of those tasks where the more you do it, the easier it seems. By that, I don’t mean practice makes managing...
What to do When Event ROI and Consumer Insights Differ
We measured an experiential marketing program that activated at volunteer events across the country for a brand of over-the-counter (OTC) medication. The client was relying on us to provide...
Best Practices for Event Research Methodology (Part 1)
Winter is drawing to a close, and I know what you are all thinking now, “It’s too cold for festivals and fairs. The experiential world is on vacation!” If that’s...
Where do Experiential Marketing Insights Come From?
Ask three people in the industry what constitutes a “consumer insight” and you’ll get three different answers, if you get any answer at all. I used to believe that...
Facing Event Marketing Report Writing Anxieties: Part 1
Writing can be a laborious task. Even if you have an innate talent, report writing is a skill that requires nurturing, refinement and constant practice. You might be one...
Survey Participants Playing Hopscotch
As surveys get more complicated, with skip patterns and more questions in general, the risk of survey participants making mistakes increases. Planning ahead can help to mitigate some of that...
Data Visualization With Tables
It’s almost a certainty that market research reports will be filled with charts, graphs, and tables. Data is presented in these formats because it’s easier to understand when you can visualize...
How to Determine What Samples are Giving Your Brand the Biggest Impact
I have had several clients over the past couple of years execute retail- focused national sampling programs. Activations at retail events are usually about one thing: Sales! When multiple...