Market Research Consultant Insights: Over the last couple of years, business analysts have been highly focused on “consumer insights.” A lot of products and services have come to market...
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Market Research Consultant Insights: Over the last couple of years, business analysts have been highly focused on “consumer insights.” A lot of products and services have come to market...
Last week I wrote about how to organize your data to allow actionable insights to emerge. This article will discuss some ways of organizing that data once it is collected. ...
I once worked with a team of economists tasked with identifying and monitoring the economic impact of tourism for a state legislature. Their goal was to identify spending patterns among...
I’ve measured typical retail sales in January to be roughly 8.3% of the year’s total take. When compared to December (the previous month) we’d expect to see January...
There has been a lot of news about Sam’s Club outsourcing product demos (see article by Chris Burritt at Bloomberg for just one of many examples). I read a quote in...
When you look at website statistics day in and day out, trends start to emerge. You’ll find that only some of the content on your or your client’s site...
(This post was pulled from an email I just sent to a client in which we were discussing if linear regression was the best analysis technique for a banking...
People love free stuff! It has long been the habit of marketers and Event Marketers in particular to brand anything and everything you can think of with a Client’s...
We closed the data collection phase of a project today. Most of the work we do here is focused on measuring and reporting on the reach, impact, and value...
I love getting emails like the one below. If you have similar questions, I hope you know that you can always write us and ask anything. We offer an...